Fat Dissolving Injections

How do fat dissolving injections work?

Lipolab & Lipolab V line are state-of-the-art fat dissolving injectable products designed to treat those difficult localised pockets of fat.

Areas that can be treated using fat removal in Derby include a ‘double’ chin, abdomen, flanks, buttocks, thighs and back.

The injections work by liquefying the fat in the area being targeted, this dissolved fat then makes its way into the lymphatic system and is absorbed by the body. 

Depending on the area treated and the amount of fat involved, several sessions may be required to achieve the desired result.

This treatment is great for removing stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to normal methods of weight loss, such as exercise and diet.

The benefits of Fat Dissolving Injections

Genetics and ageing can contribute to the development of stubborn fat, especially around the jawline and chin. Thankfully this innovative new treatment can tackle these problematic areas by destroying fat cells and creating a more defined silhouette.

Benefits of Lipolab include:

✔ A pain-free alternative to more invasive surgery procedures

Safe and effective for treating stubborn areas of fat on the face and body

Permanent removal of targeted fat cells

No downtime

Do you have any questions? 

Feel free to reach out to us - we'd love to talk to you!